Saturday, October 22, 2005

Being Morpheus

During one of my lull moments, I surfed through the net and stumbled on this site about greek gods. It had a quiz that allowed you to identify with one of those gods. Curious as to which god I would have been, I took the quiz and the result read:
You're like the Greek God Morpheus, of dreams. Believing there is something bigger out there and often lost in thought. You're imaginative, and smart - not always a leader, but usually the one who comes up with the plan. You often ask, "What if ... ?" and long to get out of the darkness and through the window.
I derive great satisfaction whenever I dream and wonder about how this world can be a better place. Often, I am quick to notice when something is not right in a person, a place, or a situation. And when I witness such, I wonder what could be done to help make things right for that person, place, or event. And when things turn out for the better, then I feel good about myself and this world.

There is one problem though. I often wonder how I can make my world and my life a lot better than it is. I get stuck with my thoughts, not knowing what to do, where to go, or who can help me out of this quagmire. Many people offer help but the help they offer oftentimes do not grab me.

Isn't that ironic? Well, I guess life is one big irony!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just be more patient with yourself especially...sometimes, if everybody has already given their share and things remain the same, we must spell the difference, we must decide, after this is our life...the most difficult enemy to wrestle with is ourself, isn't it? always go back to your anchor..your deepest desires...your calling...your being you...does this make sense at all? I am afraid not anymore, too spiritualizing perhaps...BUT, we must spiritualize, in the sense of always connecting to HIM who has called us in this least Society. Anong say mo? hehehehe

Sunday, November 06, 2005 10:27:00 PM  
Blogger Weyms Sanchez, SJ said...

thanks for the advice. it may be tough though to see the anchor when the waters are murky! sigh!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 10:51:00 PM  

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